Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions

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General questions

Discover the basics of Neo marketplace, including their importance for creating a unique marketplace, compatibility with the latest technologies, usage of the platform, and assistance for getting started.

Neo is a marketplace as Saas enable you to create QCommerce or Ecommerce marketplace and privide you with mobile, web and Admin panel.

Neo includes all the features you need to manage stores, products, marketing, and financial reports. We built it based on practical experiences with dozens of previous clients and have tested it extensively to ensure a high level of service quality.

All you need to do is contact us, and a team of experts will reach out to understand your needs and prepare a demo tailored to your requirements. Additionally, our team is ready to develop custom features for you if the desired functionalities are not currently available.

License usage

Learn about using our themes on client websites, customizing theme code and design, renewal of theme licenses, restrictions on license transfers, and compatibility with self-hosted sites.

At Neo, we use a SaaS licensing model, so you pay a monthly or annual subscription to use our product, with no hidden fees.

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Support & updates

Explore the support and updates that come with your theme purchase, including the duration of access, the type of support offered, how to seek assistance for theme-related issues.

Updates and technical support are provided throughout the subscription period.

What sets us apart is our fast and efficient customer support. We respond within minutes, whether you contact us via WhatsApp or email, and solutions are provided immediately, typically within an hour.

We continuously work on improving our product, releasing a new version each time new features are ready, after ensuring the new version is stable and free of any technical issues. You will also be regularly notified of the new features available with each release.